株式会社KDDI総合研究所 このページを印刷する

調査レポート R&A「インバウンド復活を牽引する韓国人の海外旅行トレンド」





執筆者 :林 イラン





The number of international tourists has been rapidly increasing as many countries around the world ease their COVID-19 border measures. Since the Japanese government reopened the nation’s borders to independent foreign travelers and reintroduced visa-free entry for short-term visits in October 2022, Japan has experienced a significant surge in the number of foreign visitors. Specifically, the number of tourists from South Korea is rapidly increasing, driving the recovery of Japan's inbound tourism market. This article focuses on South Korea, an important market for Japan's inbound tourism policy, and provides an overview of the travel trends of South Korean tourists abroad with consideration to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Based on the research, this article summarizes five characteristics of South Korean tourist travel trends, these include: prioritizing safety and regulatory compliance related to COVID-19; rising interest in self-guided package tours; seeking reasonable and cost-effective trips; preferring short-distance and impromptu travel; and, seeking trips to heal the body and mind. Using these trends, the article presents elements that should be considered in promoting future inbound tourism.






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