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調査レポート R&A「ラストマイルは『配達まで15分以内』の争いに ニューヨークで即時配送サービスが熾烈な競争」




タイトル:ラストマイルは「配達まで15分以内」の争いに ニューヨークで即時配送サービスが熾烈な競争

執筆者 :関 信浩






一方、現地勢も急速に資金調達を進めている。3月に1540万ドルを集めた米Fridge No Moreや、4月にシードラウンド(調達額非公表)を実施した米1520など、競合も続々と市場参入している。

これらの即時配送サービスは、Amazon Prime Nowに対抗するサービスとして、主に利便性の面で差別化を図っている。Amazonは、Whole Foodsの配送に、配送料9.95ドルをチャージすることを決め、大都市圏から徐々に有料化を進めている。一方で、無人店舗Amazon GOや、自動精算ショッピングカートAmazon Dash Cartを装備するAmazon Freshのリアル店舗の展開を始めている。

こうしたAmazonの配送サービスに追従するのがInstacartである。食料品店やスーパーなどで買い物の代行をするサービスで急成長した同社は、2021年3月には2億6500万ドルを調達し、創業からの総調達額は27億ドルを超えた。2021年10月には、自動精算ショッピングカートを提供するスタートアップ米Caper AIを3億5000万ドルで買収。小売テック企業としての道を突き進む。



Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many retail businesses had hard time such as bankruptcy and ended up winding down their businesses. Retail businesses needed to shift towards the e-commerce as they had no other choices. Thus, delivery business in the US, which was considered lame, has been rapidly improved.

In New York City, the “instant grocery service” is a hot topic – who deliver groceries within 10-20 minutes after online orders through apps. Startups who provide such services are raising hundreds of millions of dollars, suggesting this industry is rapidly growing. Gorillas, originally from Germany, raised $1 billion in October. JOKR, also from Germany, was funded for $170 million in July. They started their instant grocery delivery business in New York City with such funding rounds.

Local businesses in New York are also getting funded to compete with these giants. Fridge No More, headquartered in New York City, nabbed $15.4 million in March.

These “instance grocery services” are directly competing with Amazon’s Prime Now service, by focusing on convenience. Amazon, on the other hand, decided to charge $9.95 for every delivery from their wholly owned grocery chain Whole Foods. Amazon also invests in technological solutions such as no cashier store Amazon Go and Amazon Dash Cart, which was recently introduced to Amazon Fresh Stores, Amazon’s new grocery store solution.

Instacart, who raised $2.65 billion in March 2021 and has raised $27 billion to date, invests in such technologies to catch up with Amazon. In October 2021, Instacart announced an acquisition of Caper AI, who develops AI-powered smart carts and checkout systems, for $350 million.

Retail giants such as Walmart and Target are responding to Amazon and Instacart by introducing curbside pickup and same-day delivery.

Is the instant grocery service the retail giants’ next shopping? The industry keeps eyes on it.






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