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調査レポート R&A「ソーシャルメディアはどこへ行く」〜検閲と表現の自由のはざまで





執筆者 :高橋陽一



Social Media matters these days, and is now an essential part of individual lifestyles and business strategies. Even the President of the United States frequently makes use of Social Media to communicate important messages. This medium, however, also has a downside—especially concerning the growing number of cases where misinformation is spread or misconduct is facilitated via Social Media, something that is becoming a public concern.

In this sense, Social Media is double-edged blade that is not only raising questions of how to make use of it, but also how to control or restrict it, giving rise to disputes over censorship and freedom of expression. This report focuses on two leading Social Media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, and outlines the growth trajectory and present status of the services in the US. The report also investigates the impacts and challenges of Social Media upon society, with a view to helping envision the appropriate direction forward.





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