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調査レポート R&A「韓国におけるソーシャル・インパクト・ボンド(SIB)の導入事例」





執筆者 :KDDI総合研究所 フューチャーデザイン部門 林 イラン


近年、社会的課題を解決する新たな官民連携の手法としてソーシャル・インパクト・ボンド(SIB: Social Impact Bond)が注目を集めている。SIBは、民間投資家からの資金をもとに、公共事業を実施し、予め合意した事業の成果に応じて、政府が投資家に元本と利子を償還する契約方式である。韓国は2016年ソウル市がアジア初のSIB事業を導入し、2017年は京畿道において2番目のSIB事業が開始した。




In recent years, the Social Impact Bond (SIB) has attracted attention as a new public-private partnership for solving social issues. SIB is a contract method in which the government redeems the principal and interest to the investor only when the public project is funded by private investors, and the project achieves a previously agreed outcome. In South Korea, Seoul introduced the first SIB project in Asia in 2016, and the second SIB project started in Gyeonggi Province in 2017.

The SIB project in South Korea is led by local governments, and based on building cooperative partnerships with the private sector. Although there was some trial and error in the promotion of the project, improvements are being incorporated into an emerging Korean-style SIB model. It is expected that strengthening the support measures and legal foundations of the central government and public relations of SIB will further expand this sector in the future.

This article, and the examples it highlights, hold many lessons useful for companies that are developing businesses to solve social issues in South Korea, or are considering investing in such businesses.





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