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調査レポート R&A「スマートシティにおける資金調達手法」





執筆者 :KDDI総合研究所 フューチャーデザイン部門 林 イラン



本稿では、国内外で適用・検討されている従来の資金調達手法であるPrivate Finance Initiative(PFI)、Business Improvement District(BID)、Tax Increment Financing (TIF)、Social Impact Bond(SIB)の4つの手法を比較分析し、スマートシティへの適用に向けた考察を行った。



The development of smart cities ranges from urban redevelopment to new development, and services include all aspects of urban management. While urban development projects invest large amounts of money, the recovery of funds is long-term, consequently, initial financing is a major challenge. In recent years, in addition to public funds such as government subsidies, there has been a growth in various financing methods utilizing private enterprise funds and ingenuity.

This report examines four financing methods: Private Finance Initiatives (PFI); Business Improvement Districts (BID); Tax Increment Financing (TIF); and Social Impact Bonds (SIB), and suggests how they are being applied to the development of smart cities.

When applied appropriately, these four methods, or use them in combination according to the project scale and substance, are proving effective in developing smart cities. Moreover, these methods tend to use private sector funds in order to reduce the financial burden of the government when undertaking public works. Thus, when private sector takes the forefront in smart city development, in addition to financing methods it is necessary to build a business model that takes into account all conceivable means available, including revenue sources from solutions.





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