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調査レポート R&A「シェアリングエコノミーの現状と展望(第1回)〜 サンフランシスコのカーシェアリング事情」





タイトル:シェアリングエコノミーの現状と展望(第1回)〜 サンフランシスコのカーシェアリング事情


執筆者 :KDDI総合研究所 特別研究員 高橋陽一




With the global developments in the Sharing Economy, the changes in people’s lifestyle are ubiquitous, with an unmistakable shift from owing to sharing. This wave of sharing has made significant inroads into the car-dominated US. Among the modes of sharing cars, ridesharing features prominently, and has become a crucial means of transportation for vast numbers of people, and is expected to have a huge growth potential. Contrastingly, the carsharing market is relatively modest, perceived as sitting on the sidelines and lacking sizable market potential, to the point that some platform providers have even been forced to scale down or shut down their businesses.
This is a series of reports under the umbrella theme, Outline and Outlook for the Sharing Economy, focusing on this fundamental transition from owning to sharing that is taking place in numerous fields in the US. The following two-part report on carsharing serves as the starting point for this broader discussion. As the initial installment, this paper gives readers a general overview of the sharing economy and carsharing, followed by an introduction to the developments in carsharing in San Francisco, a front-line city for innovative technology and services. With a view to help readers gain insights into the future of carsharing, the second part will discuss, in as much depth as possible, the advantages and challenges of carsharing in the US, including reflections based upon the author’s hands-on experiences.




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