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調査レポート R&A「XRがもたらす新たな現実と可能性(第1回)」







執筆者 :高橋陽一




The Extended Reality (XR) market is gaining traction. At least twice this technology promised to surge into the market, but failed. This time, however, seems somewhat different. With the start of 5G a range of applications and solutions which proved difficult to implement due to technological limitations are now becoming a reality, and this allows us to envision the adoption of XR into our daily life as well as into the business world. There is even speculation that XR could spark the next big platform development following the web and social media, and this will stimulate tremendous business opportunities. In the next several years we will see if this third attempt is sufficient for XR to fulfill its promise and grow by leaps and bounds.


TConsisting of two installments, this report introduces an overview of the XR market in the US, and outlines activities of key players in the market, with extension to some related activities of US telecommunications carriers. This first installment of the report discusses general topics in the industry, including a market overview and some notable trends. The second installment will cover more specific topics pertaining to the activities of key players and telecommunications carriers.





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