- Advanced Technology Laboratories
A New Record of 2048-QAM Transmission over Optical Fiber with COTS Devices
June 29, 2021
KDDI Research, Inc.
KDDI Research and a research group, TRANSNET (*1) , from University College London (UCL) introduced geometric constellation shaping based on an optimization used in machine learning for minimizing the transmission error, and collaboratively demonstrated 2048-QAM (*2) transmission (16.9 bit/symbol (*3) ) over a 100-km optical fiber with only COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) devices. This is the highest-order optical fiber transmission with the geometric constellation shaping demonstrated to date.
The high-order modulation formats in combination with geometric constellation shaping are expected to become one of the key technologies for ultra-high speed optical transceivers in data-center interconnection, mobile backhaul etc.
The research has been published in an open-access journal, Optics Express.
Title: 2048-QAM transmission at 15 GBd over 100 km using geometric constellation shaping
Authors: Yuta Wakayama (KDDI Research), Thomas Gerard, Eric Sillekens, Lídia Galdino, Domaniç Lavery, Robert I. Killey, and Polina Bayvel (UCL)
*1 TRANSNET is a research project led by University College London (UCL) in collaboration with Aston University and University of Cambridge aiming at creating an adaptive intelligent optical network.
*2 2048 QAM is a modulation format, which can express individual 2048 states by modulating optical amplitude and phase.
*3 bit/symbol is a unit to describe the amount of information per modulation.
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