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KDDI to Start Twitter User Demographics Profiling Service

August 1, 2012
KDDI America,Inc
KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.

New York, NY, USA – August1, 2012 – KDDI America, Inc. and KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc., subsidiaries of KDDI CORPORATION, a Fortune Global 500 company and worldwide leader in international telecommunications services,jointly announces its first U.S. web service targeting the social media analytics market – the KDDI Social Media Visualizer. It analyzes the tweets containing any given keyword(s) and provides the distribution of the user demographics such as age group, gender, occupation, location and interests based on its unique user demographics estimation. KDDI America is scheduledto begin offering this new service in the U.S. in September 2012.

Now as the internet being the central part of our social life, it has become popular among us to post our opinions on the internet through Twitter and other social media sites. These individual user’s comments cover a broad range of topics including products, contents and services of all types of business. It has become a very important resource to obtain unbiased feedback from the market. Among all the social media sites, Twitter is known as the best resource for reputation monitoring because people discuss freely on any topics happening at that moment in real-time. Both large and small companies are now carefully monitoring these online reputations for marketing, branding and customer support purposes.

“We look forward to providing our new web service to all types of organizations that are looking to further utilize their social media tools and gain additional insights that will help enhance their business”, says Hiroyasu Morishita, Senior Director of Marketing &Planning at KDDI America. “With other common social media analyzers, it only gives you the overall analysis of the entire group. But with KDDI Social Media Visualizer’s unique profiling technology, you will be able to estimate the profiles for each individualuser by different segments such as gender, age, occupation and interests. It would be a great opportunity to participate in our free trial offer to experience this unique profiling technology”.

The unique profiling technology developed by KDDI R&D Labs takes tweets from any given user to estimate that user’s demographic information with high accuracy. Our new service provides the following three major features based on this technology.

(1)Search Feature
Visualize the demographics distribution of Twitter users who have mentioned the given keyword, in real time.

(2)Report Feature
Monitor all the tweets containing the specified keyword(s) for twenty-four hours and generate a summarized report.

(3)Alert Feature
Receive an alert by email or text when there is an unusual activity such as sudden increase in negative tweets about the specified keyword(s).

This service can be used for analyzing market feedback for a promotion campaign, brand management, customer support and customer engagement. For more information and to sign up for a free trial offer, click here: Social Media Visualizer  Or please contact KDDI America at or call us at 1-866-348-3370 to speak to a salesperson.


※The information contained in the articles is current at the time of publication.Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.